Industrial Symbiosis


The industrial symbiosis strategy for sharing resources can be activated among companies present within a region (network for industrial symbiosis) and in industrial areas or industrial clusters for the transition to the so-called “eco-industrial parks”. Networks for industrial symbiosis are strongly promoted by the European Commission (see for example the recommendations of the “European Resource Efficiency Platform” - EREP to support the EU towards a more efficient economy in the use of resources). The growing interest of the European Union to the theme of industrial symbiosis clearly emerges also from calls for  funding  specifically  addressed  to  industrial  symbiosis  projects  in  the framework of Horizon 2020. 

In addition, impetus generated by the 'Public-Private-Partnership' session at the Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) on industrial symbiosis and G7 commitment to industrial symbiosis through its recently established Alliance on Resource Efficiency has stimulated widescale interest in the topic.

Jul 26, 2016 10:35 AM