IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet


IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is an independent, non-profit organisation, owned by a foundation jointly established by the Swedish Government and Swedish industry. IVL was established in 1966 and has since then been involved in the development of solutions to environmental problems, both at national and international level.

IVL works with applied research and contract assignments for an ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable growth within the business world and society at large. The institute comprises Sweden’s largest group of environmental experts and employs around 240 people, which makes IVL a leading institute for applied environmental research and consultancy services.

IVL undertakes both research projects and contract assignments in the entire sustainability field. The activities include for example climate issues, sustainable building, environmental technology, indoor environment, waste management, working environment, environmental measurements, and environmental quality evaluation. IVL also performs studies of the environmental effects in air, water, and soil, and the institute has its own accredited laboratories for analysis. All activities are linked to four major thematic areas: Natural resource, climate and energy, Resource-efficient recycling and consumption, Sustainable production and environmental technology and Sustainable urban development and transport.

 IVL’s expertise in raw materials and industrial symbiosis

IVL is a leader in developing and applying sustainability assessment methods to industrial symbiosis networks and by-product valorization projects. IVL has extensive experience in identifying and developing synergies as well as cooperation among national and international actors to enable resource efficient solutions. Additionally, IVL is a member of many national and international networks to promote resource efficiency including:

 CERISE-Centre for Resource Efficiency in Sweden

  • SISP- Swedish Industrial Symbiosis Programme
  • ISIE-Eco-Industrial Development Group
  • Re:Source-Strategic Innovation Programme for Resource Efficiency
  • Cradle Net-Swedish Network promoting the Circular Economy

 IVL is involved in many projects aimed at creating improved environmental performance, business value, and innovation toward a circular economy.

 The following projects are examples:

 LOCIMAP - Low Carbon Industrial Manufacturing Parks

  • Environmental and Socio-Economic Benefits of Biofuel Production in Sweden
  • Life Cycle Sustainability Evaluations of Biomass Value Chains: Current Practice, Limitations and Recommendations
  • Analysis and evaluation of energy integration in biorefinery clusters from a systems perspective


CONTACT : Dr. Lisa O’Donoghue
EMAIL: michael.martin@ivl.se
PHONE: +46 10 788 6681

WEBSITE: www.ivl.se